March 3, 2015

Moment.js and Dynamics CRM: Multi Language support

The current version of Dynamics CRM supports 45 languages (an excel file with the list can be downloaded here: mapped to LCID codes.
This LCID code is also the one returned by the following methods: Xrm.Page.context.getUserLcid and Xrm.Page.context.geOrgLcid (the language of the user and the base language of the organization).

Moment.js is a powerful library to manipulate dates in JavaScript and it has support for internationalization but accepts only a locale string ("en", "it", ...) and not the LCID value returned by the above methods. I created a small JavaScript library (crm_lang.js) that accepts the 45 LCID CRM codes in order to return their corresponding Moment.js locale strings. The library can be downloaded from Technet Gallery:

Moment.js is very useful when comes to manipulate dates (add or subtracts days) and more important for this sample to display the date in various formats:
var now = moment();
alert(now.format());                                // "2015-03-03T08:02:17-05:00" (ISO 8601)
alert(now.format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a")); // "Tuesday, March 3rd 2015, 3:25:50 pm"
As I wrote before it supports internationalization, but it requires the locale string:
var now = moment();
now.locale("es"); // set the language to Spanish
alert(now.format("LLLL")); // "martes, 3 de marzo de 2015 8:00"
with the library I created, it's easier to set the right locale:
var now = moment();
var userLcid = Xrm.Page.context.getUserLcid(); //suppose is 1043 (Dutch)
var userLocale = CRMLanguages.getMomentLocale(userLcid);
now.locale(userLocale); // or now.locale(CRMLanguages.getMomentLocale(Xrm.Page.context.getUserLcid()));
alert(now.format("LLL")); // "3 maart 2015 08:00"
Moment.js constructor accepts a standard JavaScript date object, this makes easier to works with CRM form values:
var createdOn = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("createdon").getValue(); // get the date value
var m_date = moment(createdOn); // create the Moment.js object
m_date.locale(CRMLanguages.getMomentLocale(Xrm.Page.context.getUserLcid())); // set the language
m_date.add(3, "days"); // we add 3 days to the createdon date
alert(m_date.format("LLL")); // "2015年3月6日午前8時0分" //1041 Japanese
It's also possible to return the date as a standard JS object, the method is toDate()
// following the previous code
var threeDaysLater = m_date.toDate();
As you can see Moment.js can be very useful, make sure you read the documentation and if you need a multi language support you can use my library. LLAP!


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